sorry no update sooner today. We spent the morning at home with the kids carving pumpkins trying to keep some normal things in their little world that seems to have turned upside down too.
Ammy called me late last night and she was able to move her thumb to her hand and tell that she was touching her skin not a bandage. She also was excited that she thought she wanted to move her hand up closer to her and her hand did it with out her having to concentrate and work hard at it. I was very excited!!!
She is in a new room now on the 10 floor but is still having a hard time sleeping at night. Her dad got her a nightlight today so she thinks that might help tonight.
She has her IV out right now but is not wanting to drink much. So we are encouraging her to drink as much as possible.
She had PT today and did great as usually. I am so proud of how brave she is. We have been reminding her that being brave means doing something even when you are afraid. Please believe me when I say this is a very brave little girl. She got to be in a stander today and blow bubbles throw a ball with help and lots of other things. The therapist were very happy with how much she is gaining each day.
She got her bandage for surgery removed today and it looks good according to the doctor.
We are hopping to hear about the biopsy tomorrow and start a plan regarding treatment. I know I have not spoken much on that but really we are busy making plans for physical therapy and not thinking much about the tumor as we really are not sure what that medical road will look like till we know what kind of tumor it is. Honest moment I am not really ready to write to much about it yet either. So I promise to let you know as we find out.
Ammy loves seeing all of you and we appreciate so much all of you. We have put a note on her door to remind us mostly and if you could helps us out that would be great. The note states that we are only discussing what Ammy can do and her progress she is making while in the room with her. We would like to refrain from any talk of what she is unable to do. Also Any of the family would love to answer any medical questions you might have but please ask to speak with us outside of her room . Ammy is being informed of her medical situation as needed and in terms she can understand. So Beth would like all of us to be careful that we are not using words she doesn't understand or things she hasn't had explained. Thanks to all of you for being understanding and I hope I explained this as kindly as it is intended. We want you to feel welcome to visit and ask questions .
Ammy just called again and she wanted everyone to know that she played with her princess wand that has buttons to push and she did it all by herself. Ammy knows we are keeping a blog and the things I update on for the most part is what she wants people to know. I think she looks forward to telling everyone the things she is learning and likes the idea too that somethings she can keep private. Really though most everything she wants to share with her friends and family.
Thank you seems so little that is why we say it so much. So again I say Thank you too all of you for your prayers support and encouragement.