Monday, August 4, 2008

summer reading

I have always loved to read and it seems when life gets so busy it gets put aside. However I have finished some books this summer and Thought I would tell you about them some I loved and some well, I wouldn't recommend.

Mama Rocks Rules- Liked this book. Great advice on parenting along with some funny stories. Written by Chris Rocks mom you can see where he gets his humor from. I liked her advice for the most part. Defiantly got me thinking!

Covenant child. This book was an easy read on a touching retelling of the prodigal son. It really got me thinking about how God has so much he wants to give me and sometimes I get so caught up in unbelief that I miss it. I read this book in about 3 days. Really sweet story.

The shack... All controversy aside I really did not like this book at all. It was really hard to get through because I didn't really feel connected with the characters or the authors style of writing. That being said it also has some very odd views on God that the bible clearly states other wise. It did however create some great conversations between family and friends and encouraged me to do some deep digging in the word to find out what the bible says so for that I am thankful. Do I recommend this book??? no I would say if you are limited on time and looking for something spiritual try The Bible :) or most Max Lucado or Beth Moore books

Water For Elephants. I loved this book!!! I wasn't sure I would like it but I loved the character from the beginning and found the story to capture me right away. It is about a man remembering his days working for the circus in the 1920 or 30s. The story is fun and I finished wanting to hear more yet happy with the ending. I highly recommend reading this book. It does have some bad language if that bothers you here is your warning ;)

Rattle trap Car- We loved this book. The kids think it is pretty funny and they do not get tired of hearing it. We have been checking it out form the Library off and on since the spring time. If we have not checked out from the library the next time you go you should give it a try.

Hope you get a chance to do some summer reading and if you have any recommendation I am always interested.

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